DAAD Branch Office Brussels

- monitors EU policy developments and provides information on European higher education policy;
- organises events in Brussels on selected topics of German and European higher education cooperation;
- cooperates closely with the National Agency Erasmus+ for Higher Education Cooperation within the DAAD to increase German participation in EU education programmes;
- supports the DAAD’s EU-funded projects and applications for EU funding;
- networks and conducts exchanges with representatives of EU institutions and international stakeholders in education and research;
- welcomes delegations from German higher education institutions and from the DAAD;
- supports DAAD alumni work (further information).

© DAAD/Haidau
The DAAD Branch Office Brussels is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It is one of 19 DAAD Regional Offices worldwide.
The DAAD’s Annual Report provides an overview of their respective activities (in German).
EU Transparency Register
The DAAD is listed on the EU transparency register under identification number 55906747924-11.
Traineeship Opportunity at DAAD Brussels

© DAAD/Haidau
The DAAD Branch Office Brussels regularly offers a traineeship for 3-6 months.
A student status as well as excellent skills of the German language (native level) are a prerequisite.
Please consult the DAAD online portal or contact for further questions.