Conference programme

08:30 Registration and coffee
Keynote: Prof. Narciso Matos, Vice-Chancellor, Polytechnical University of Mozambique
- Prof. Sarah Mbi Enow Anyang Agbor, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union Commission
- Dr. Dorothea Rüland, Secretary General, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- Koen Doens, Director General, Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
Moderator: Paweł Swieboda, European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 THEMATIC SESSION I (parallel sessions)
A) Higher Education Institutions as job generators – matching skills with labour market requirements
B) Supporting refugees’ and IDP’s access to higher education
C) Capacity building and curriculum development through international partnerships and innovations
12:30 Keynote: Noureddine Manamanni, Director of External and Institutional Relations Department, Campus France
“More synergies, more coherence, more ‘bridge-building’. Introduction to the poster session”
12:45 Networking lunch / POSTER SESSION
14:30 THEMATIC SESSION II (parallel sessions)
D) Quality assurance and relevance of study programme
E) Building skills and capacity in the next generation of university staff
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 CLOSING POLICY SESSION – Recommendations from thematic sessions
- Prof. Sarah Mbi Enow Anyang Agbor, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union Commission
- Marjeta Jager, Deputy Director General, Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
- Frithjof Maennel, Deputy Director General „International Cooperation in Education and Research“, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed El-Shinawi, Adviser to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egypt
Moderation & introduction: Freddy Weima, Director-General, Nuffic
18.00 Networking reception
Draft Programme_Africa-Europe Event_25.10.19 [PDF 215.24 KB]