Europe on the Move: Council Recommendation on promoting learning mobility in the EU

Within this framework, the following mobility activities are recorded, each of which was carried out either completely physically or in blended format:
- outgoing mobility to obtain a university degree (degree mobility)
- outgoing mobility during a stay abroad of at least three months or 15 ECTS as part of a study visit or internship (credit mobility) and
- shorter outgoing mobility of less than three months and at least three ECTS credits.
The Commission is invited to develop a proposal by 2026 for an updated methodology to measure the proportion of higher education graduates who have undertaken a mobility experience abroad during their studies.
A review of Member States’ efforts can be carried out by the Council on the basis of the upcoming Commission proposal on the updated methodology for data collection and the forthcoming review of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training for the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030).
The Council Recommendation envisages that at least 20% of all learning mobility participants across the EU will be people with fewer opportunities by 2027.
Member states are recommended to agree on a target based on a proposal to be submitted by the Commission by 2026 for a methodology to collect data and measure the share of the target group of people with fewer opportunities in all learning mobility participants.
The member states are called upon to implement the necessary steps for the automatic mutual recognition of higher education qualifications and learning outcomes achieved abroad.
With regard to the recognition of qualifications from third countries, the Council Recommendation proposes that member states consider taking steps to ratify the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education and use political cooperation (Global Policy Dialogue/Bologna Process) to stimulate cooperation between recognition authorities and quality assurance agencies.
The transition to the labour market and professional mobility are to be promoted, among other things, through support for Erasmus+ internships and the encouragement of organisations to accept people from abroad for internships.
Joint initiatives such as ‘Study in Europe’ and the promotion of cooperation with other regions of the world, for example through the talent partnerships in which common goals are agreed and the promotion of the timely issuing of visas for mobility participants, have the effect of increasing the attractiveness of the EU as a destination for learning mobility and should therefore be promoted.
A policy framework for teacher mobility is presented in Annex I of the Annex.
The 2020 Commission’s statement on the realisation of the European Education Area by 2025 states that the Commission will work with Member States and stakeholders on a policy framework to increase the number and quality of learning mobility of teachers in Europe, based on their actual mobility needs. The Council Resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030) includes specific actions for the priority area of teachers and trainers. These measures include examining the possibility of developing a policy framework for teacher mobility.
The framework presented in the Council Recommendation proposes a series of actions that can be implemented at school, local, regional and institutional levels to overcome the obstacles to teacher mobility identified in EU Member States. It is intended to serve as a stimulus for developing their own teacher mobility strategies in line with Member States’ education systems.