

  • Guidelines for the next EU Commission 2024-2029

    30.08.2024: The importance of the new Commission's guidelines for higher education and research in Europe and for international academic exchange.

  • 2024 EAIE Barometer: Status of internationalisation in the EHEA from the employees' perspective

    28.03.2024: The third edition of the EAIE Barometer provides an insight into the state of internationalisation in European higher education from the perspective of professionals working in the field of internationalisation in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

  • Newly constituted committees in the EU Parliament

    30.08.2024: Presentation of the newly composed committees with relevance to higher education, research and international academic exchange.

  • The EU Commission's new higher education package contains a blueprint for a European university degree

    28.03.2024: In line with the European Higher Education Strategy and as a strategic instrument for achieving the European Education Area, the EU Commission has published a three-part higher education package.

  • Report from ConSIMium 2024: "A Council Simulation Experience"

    06.05.2024: The DAAD regional office is accompanying the German delegation to an EU Council simulation in 2024.

  • Report: Worldwide internationalisation at universities

    08.05.2024: On 2 April 2024, the IAU (International Association of Universities) published the report on the sixth edition of the ‘Global Survey on Internationalisation of Higher Education’. The study is based on surveys of 722 higher education institutions from 110 countries conducted between January and June 2023.

  • EU and Japan want to strengthen academic exchange

    08.05.2024: The third political dialogue between the EU Commission and Japan on education, culture and sport took place at the beginning of April 2024 and underlined the importance of academic cooperation between the EU and Japan.

  • Europe on the Move: Council Recommendation on promoting learning mobility in the EU

    31.05.2024: The Council has adopted a recommendation on the promotion of learning mobility, which replaces the Council recommendation from 2011.

  • Strengthening of Erasmus+ by the next Commission

    30.08.2024: Von der Leyen wants to strengthen Erasmus+ over the next five years. In order to achieve the EU Commission's ambitious goals, an increase in funding is essential.

  • EU member states nominate their candidates for the new Commission

    02.09.2024: Most of the candidates bring significant experience from key positions in national governments or in Brussels. However, the vast majority of candidates are men, jeopardising von der Leyen's mission to create a gender-balanced cabinet.



Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked